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Analyzing the present, to prepare for the future.

Table of Knowledge Acts as Think Tank for Project Convergence Capstone 4

Project Convergence Capstone 4 draws upon insights from previous experiments conducted not only in the United States, but across the globe in the Philippines, Australia and Europe.

Austin Tells Congress There Was No Lapse in Authority, Command, Control During Hospital Stay

When the secretary of defense was admitted last month to the hospital for complications related to surgery in December, his authorities and responsibilities were temporarily transferred to Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks.

Hicks to See Joint, Combined Command and Control Capabilities in Action During Project Convergence Experiment

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks is scheduled to travel to California next week where she will receive an in-depth look into the department’s advanced joint, all domain command and control.

Military Leaders Say Maintaining U.S. Strategic Edge Requires Continued Investment

The United States remains ready to deter strategic and space-based threats, but continued investment is critical amid increasing competition, senior military officials said.

State Liaisons Advocate for Military Families Throughout U.S.

In recognition of the unique challenges that come with military life, DOD, through the Defense-State Liaison Office, engages policy and lawmakers at the state level to educate them on ways states can help  ease the burdens placed on military families.

Return of PEO Summit Tackles Urgency, Delivering at Speed and Scale

The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment hosted its Program Executive Office Summit to discuss common challenges, share best practices and build relationships.

Air Force General Says Ukraine Desperately Needs Ammunition

Despite Ukraine’s ability to skillfully incorporate high-end technology into the fight, it’s imperative that they receive more munitions, Air Force Lt. Gen. Leonard J. Kosinski said.

Top Air Force General Discusses Plan to Reoptimize for Future of Warfare

The Air Force is at a critical inflection point as it adapts to the changing character of warfare, its top general said.