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Analyzing the present, to prepare for the future.

DOD Hosts International Cohort as Part of State Department Exchange 

DOD’s deputy inspector general for overseas contingency operations provided an in-depth overview of the department’s system of checks and balances and underscored the importance of maintaining Americans’ trust in the military and in the government.  

Austin: Democracies Must Uphold Spirit of D-Day

Democracies of the world must again stand firm against aggression and tyranny and uphold the spirit of D-Day, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said during D-Day anniversary remarks in France.

DOD Anticipates Significant Savings on Temporary Pier in Gaza

The Defense Department is projecting an almost one-third reduction in overall cost for its temporary humanitarian aid pier mission in Gaza, the Pentagon announced.

Hicks: Every Qualified American Is Welcome at Recruiting Stations

Taking care of its people is a top priority of DOD and that includes ensuring all service members have the tools and resources they and their families need to thrive, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks said.

Ambassador to NATO Addresses Worth of the Alliance

NATO still serves the needs and aspirations of the United States and the world today, Julianne Smith, the U.S. permanent representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, said.

Veterans Have Options to Upgrade Discharge Characterization

Individuals who left the military with a discharge that’s less than fully honorable retain the right to upgrade that discharge even years later through the Discharge Review Board or Board for Correction of Military/Naval Records.

U.S. Official Previews NATO’s Washington Summit

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is marking its role of 75 years of peace and how it will position itself for the future at the Washington summit next month, Julianne Smith, the U.S. permanent representative to NATO, said.

DOD Kicks Off Improved Household Goods Shipment Program

The Global Household Goods contract, or GHC, aims to make the movement of household goods a better experience all around for service members and their families.