Day: December 6, 2023

Analyzing the present, to prepare for the future.

DOD Seeks to Quell Violent Extremism in Africa’s Sahel Region

Violent extremist organizations have taken advantage of weak governments and failed states across the Sahel region, the assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs said.

Recovery Operations Begin Following Osprey Mishap in Japan

Following last week’s CV-22A Osprey mishap off the shore of Yakushima Island, Japan, a search and rescue operation had been ongoing for any possible survivors. That operation has now transitioned to a search and recovery operation.

Official Says 2023 Was ‘Most Transformative’ for DOD in Indo-Pacific

This has been the most transformative year for U.S. force posture in the Indo-Pacific in a generation, Ely Ratner, assistant defense secretary for Indo-Pacific security affairs, said.