Day: October 12, 2023

Analyzing the present, to prepare for the future.

Army Command Works to Engage With African Partners

Africa is a continent of potential, and service members at the Southern European Task Force, Africa work every day to help African partners turn that potential into reality, the commander of the unit said.

DOD Celebrates Destruction of Its Last Chemical Agents

Disposal experts destroyed the last remaining M55 rocket filled with sarin nerve agent at a Kentucky storage facility, completing the safe elimination of all declared chemical agents amassed between World War I and the late 1960s.

U.S. Aims to Bolster Ukraine’s Long-Term Air Defense Capabilities

The U.S. will lead a newly formed coalition focused on developing Ukraine’s air force in a bid to bolster that country’s long-term capability to defend itself against Russian aggression, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said.

General Highlights China’s Military Advantages, Disadvantages

While China has some military advantages in the Indo-Pacific region, the U.S. and its allies are working together with increased training exercises and beefed up defense spending to deter China’s aggression, the commander of U.S. Army Pacific said.