Day: August 1, 2023

Analyzing the present, to prepare for the future.

Units Conduct Complex Logistics Operation at Talisman Sabre 23

Troops participating in Talisman Sabre 23 cleared a key milestone as part of a large-scale, joint logistics operation to bring ashore heavy military equipment from ships stationed off the coast of central Queensland, Australia.  

Talisman Sabre 23 Reflects U.S., Allies’ Commitment to Indo-Pacific

The U.S. and its allies are sending an unmistakable message of resolve toward maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific during this year’s large-scale military exercise in Australia, the commander of the U.S. Army’s 25th Infantry Division said. 

U.S. General Says Talisman Sabre Prepares Allies for High-End Conflict

Exercise Talisman Sabre is all about preventing war through having as many allies and partners as possible that have like-minded goals, U.S. Marine Corps Brig. Gen. Kevin Jarrard, assistant division commander of the 1st Marine Division, said.